Our first clean water project

Our first clean water project

Waterboy  Water installation

Alanouwaly Guinea collaborated with Alexander Sigmund Wassertechnik from Germany and his Eau Pure project to install a solar pump and panels to restore a failed well. Over 6 weeks tradesmen and volunteers assessed and prepared the well, built a frame for the solar panels and the 3000l tank with 8 taps and installed the high quality Lorentz pump.

On the 16th.June they held a big opening with the regional authorities including  governor Siba Loholamu, prefect Mohamed Doumbouya and president of Boke development Oscar Koumbassa. Local and national radio and the national television were there to record it.

We are particularly pleased that this source of badly needed clean water was created during Ramadan. It is servicing an area with 200 families, although more people collect water there, as it the best source of water around!

Water is Life and there is no bigger gift than clean water!
For a more detailed report, please click here. Clean Water for Donghol 2016