

We are grateful for any contributions:

Donate here to give securely online.

This is the most secure way to donate minimising fraud! You can choose Gift Aid if you are a taxpayer, increasing your donation at no cost to you!

As long as you pay income tax in the year you are donating you can increase your donation by 25% with just one tick for Gift Aid!

If you want to set up a standing order please get in touch with us, regular giving enables us to plan projects much more efficiently.

You can donate by cheque, payable to Alanouwaly Salifou Sylla Foundation

Send to 30 Blagdon Road, London SE13 7HH

To increase your donation by 25%  download and fill in giftaid form and send with your cheque.

 Get in touch if you have any queries

Little Girl

Selling items:

We also raise funds through the items for sale, such as drums, CDs, etc


 You can become involved by:

  • organising & contributing to projects,
  • donating particular expertise, for example to research and/or lead simple environmental projects to realize innovative ideas to help people.
  • becoming a member of the committee running the organisation,
  • making useful and significant suggestions that could become a project!
  • fundraising by creating & running a fun fundraising activity
  • collecting and donating items useful for Africa