

West-africa is well-known for it’s musical culture, each country with it’s own style.

Dancing street Gui

Guinea has a particularly vibrant music scene and besides the still thriving traditional music there is also a huge amount music with more modern influences. Unlike the neighbouring Mali, this is not so well-known in Europe and is well worth discovering (any search online will let you sample it). Many ethnic groups are spread across borders, for instance there are Mandinka (Manding(o)) in many countries and musicians from all over West Africa travel across borders to find work and collaborations are common. Alanouwaly Salifou Sylla Foundation is organising African music projects in UK, but also hopes to assist and facilitate musical projects in Guinea.

Salifbolong2  Salif & Espoirs de Corinthie

Salif was a very accomplished musician, dancer and performer and it is very sad there is only very little recorded in audio or film. He formed Tamala (which means travellers in Mandingo)here and in Africa with the same name with the view to make it one group across borders, maybe with some musicians coming to England or musical projects over there. Tamala here in London has now folded, Tamala Africa  has changed members multiple times after the death of Salif’s brother: Sassu,  in Gambia. You can buy the only album he recorded with Tamala from us (Sales).


Musicians to search: Djibril Soumah, Sayon Camara, Saidou Sow, Kerafala Kante, Aminata Kamissiko, Mory Kante, Famadou Konate, Lega Bah, Sekouba Kandia & Sona Tata, Aboubacar 2 Diaby, Bembaya Jazz, les Amazones de Guinee, Ibro Diabate, Amadou Sodia, Mata Vieux, Nawassa, Mamadi Keita, and many more